Not the Typical Healthcare Approach
If you're unfamiliar with the term “patient- and family-centered care” (PFCC), don’t worry! You're not alone. That’s because healthcare typically focuses on the individual. So, what exactly is patient- and family-centered care? At its heart, it’s a collaborative approach to healthcare that involves both the patients and their families in the decision-making process. Not only are medical decisions made together, but decisions about the patient's overall care including meals, activities, and social interactions, are also discussed.
A Positive Impact
In recent years, there has been a growing body of evidence demonstrating that the implementation of PFCC results in positive outcomes for both patients and their families. While researchers are working to better operationalize and measure PFCC, the approach itself places a strong emphasis on communication, collaboration, and empathy1.
When it comes to patients who are in long-term care (LTC) facilities, a PFCC-focused approach becomes especially important. Oftentimes, patients in these facilities have complex medical needs and multiple chronic conditions, and they may need family members to play a significant role in decision-making processes to ensure they receive the best possible care and support.
But that's not all: this approach can promote empowerment and autonomy while positively impacting patient outcomes and quality of life. By working closely with families, healthcare providers gain a deeper understanding of the patient's unique needs and preferences, resulting in more personalized and effective care2.
A Passion for Family-Centered Care
In short, PFCC recognizes that patients don't exist in a vacuum. The support and input of loved ones can have a positive impact on a patient’s well-being and medical care. By involving families as a crucial part of the care team, we can create a collaborative and personalized care experience for each patient that can lead to better outcomes and a deeper sense of connection and trust between everyone involved. Our team truly believes that this approach is the future of long-term care, and we are working to support patients, families, and care providers by simplifying communication and access to information - so join us, and let’s care better, together.
1. Hsu C, Gray MF, Murray L, et al. Actions and processes that patients, family members, and physicians associate with patient- and family-centered care. BMC Fam Pract. 2019;20(1):35. Published 2019 Feb 25. doi:10.1186/s12875-019-0918-7
2. Roberts AR, Ishler KJ. Family Involvement in the Nursing Home and Perceived Resident Quality of Life. Gerontologist. 2018;58(6):1033-1043. doi:10.1093/geront/gnx108